Cast of Characters- Tortall

For any new-comers to the realm of Tortall, I thought i'd include an explanation of the Tortall characters. I know most of you already know most of these, but some people are new. If you have anything that i've left out (eg. characters in Squire) please e-mail me- you know my address by now.

Adalia of Mindelan & sometimes called Adie, Kel's older sister
Alanna of Pirates Swoop 
and Olau
& the King's Champion, born Alanna of Trebond
Anders of Mindelan & Kel's older brother, a knight
Baird of Queenscove, Duke & Tortall's cheif healer, Neal's father
Balduin of Disart & senior page/ squire
Bonedancer & living dinosaur bird skeleton
Chamtong, Onua & a K'mir of the Raadeh tribe, Horse Mistress of the Queen's Riders.
Chisakami, Princess & daughter of Yamani emperor, was betrothed to Prince Roald, deceased
Cleon of Kennan & senior page/squire
Conal of Mindelan & Kel's third-oldest brother, a knight
Danayne & Archpriestess of the Moon of Truth temple, Corus 
Dermid of Josu's Dirk & page
Douglass of Veldine & knight-guardian of Maura of Dunlath
Eda Bell & Wildcat of the Shang order (fighters) 
Emry of Haryse & Neal's grandfather, a famous general
Esmond of Nicoline & page, began the same year as Kel
Ezeko, Obafem (sergeant) & trainer of the Tortallan army, formerly from Carthak
Faleron of King's Reach & senior page/squire, Merric's cousin
Flyndon (captain) & second in cammand of the King's own
Gareth of Naxen, Duke & Gary's father, training master in Alanna's time
Garvey of Runnerspring & senior page/squire, Joren's crony
George Cooper, Baron & royal spymaster, Alanna's husband
Hakuin Seastone & Horse of the shang order (fighters)
Harailt of Aili & dean of the royal university
Hugo Longleigh & senior palace servant
Iakoju & ogre, resident of Fief Dunlath
Iden of Vikison Lane & page, Owen's cousin
Ilane of Mindelan, Baroness & Kel's mother, married to Piers
Imrah of Legann & Prince Roald's knight-master
Inness of Mindelan & Kel's second-oldest brother, a knight
Isran, Gower & servant in the pages wing, Lalasa's uncle
Ivor & mathematics teacher, a Mithran priest
Jasson of Conté & Jonathon's dead grandfather, a former king
Jonathon of Conté & King of Tortall
Joren of Stone Mountain & senior page/squire
Kaddar Iliniat & emperor of Carthak
Kalasin of Conté & the oldest princess
Keladry of Mindelan & Kel, first known female to train to be a knight, youngest daughter of Ilane and Piers
Kieran of LaMinch & Uline of Hannalof's betrothed
Lalasa Isran Kel's maid, Gower's niece
Liam of Conté & younger prince
Lianne of Conté & youngest princess
Lindhall Reed & biology teacher, a mage
Maura of Dunlath & heiress of Dunlath
Merric of Hollyrose & page, started the same year as Kel
Myles of Olau, Baron & Alanna's adoptive father, a teacher
Nariko & Yamani armsmistress at the imperial court
Nealan of Queenscove & page, Kel's friend, son of Duke Baird
Numair Salmalín & a mage, Daine's "friend"
Oranie of Mindelan & Kel's older sister
Osgar Woodrow & palace smith
Owen of Jesslaw & high-spirited young page, Kel's friend
Piers of Mindelan, Baron & Kel's father, a diplomat
Prosper of Tameran & page
Qasim & soldier in the King's Own, a Bazhir
Quinden of Marti's Hill & page, started same year as Kel
Ragnal of Darroch & page
Raoul of Goldenlake and Malorie's Peak, Lord  & Knight Commander of the King's Own
Roald of Contè & heir to the Tortallan throne, a year older than Kel
Salma Aynnar & head of servants in the pages' wing
Seaver of Tasride & page, started same year as Kel
Stefan Groomsman & cheif hostler, has wild magic with horses
Teron of Blythdon & page
Thayet of Contè & Tortall's Queen, commander of Queen's Rider's
Tianine Plowman & known as Tian, Lalasa's friend, a maid
Tilaine of Mindelan & Kel's sister-in-law, Anders's wife
Timon Greendale & head of the palace servants
Tkaa & basilisk, an immortal
Turomot of Wellam, Duke & cheif examiner of pages, the lord magistrate
Uline of Hannalof & one of the Royal Ladies
Upton Oakbridge & master of ceremonies at the palace
Veralidaine Sarrasri & known as Daine, called the Wildmage
Vinson of Genlith & senior page/squire, Joren's crony
Warric of Mandash & page, Owen's cousin
Wyldon of Cavall, Lord & training master for pages and squires
Yancen of Irenroha & senior page/squire
Yayin & Mithran priest, teachers reading and writing to the pages and squires
Zahir ibn Alhaz & senior page/squire, a bazhir
Squire Characters from Marie
Domitan of Masbolle & Neal's cousin in the King's Own
Hoshi & Kel's spare horse
Lady Haname noh Ajikuro & The princess' attendant.
Lady Yukimi noh Daiomoru & Another of the Princess' attendants.
Princess Shinkokami & Yamani princess-Roald's future bride
Quasim ibn Zihud & Bazhir corporal in the kings own