In this section of the page you will be able to test your knowledge of the Star Wars movies. There will be a new set of questions every month, and old quiz questions will be kept at the bottom of the page. The answers are on a separate page - the link is at the bottom of this page. Enjoy!
2. What is the official title for an apprentice?
3. How many towers make up the Jedi Temple?
4. Who are the two senior members of the council?
5. What crystals are used to make a lightsaber?
6. At what age are Jedi initiates cast out from the Jedi if they do not have a master?
7. What emotion is said to be the path to the darkside?
2. What is the name of Princess Leia's adoptive father?
3. What kind of creature is Chewbacca?
4. What kind of droid does Leia give her recorded message for Obi-Wan Kenobi to?
5. What is the name of the commander of the first Death Star?
6. What is the desert where Obi-Wan Kenobi lives called?
7. How much does Ben Kenobi offer to pay Han Solo for transport to Alderaan?
8. In the Death
Star, Han, Luke, Leia and Chewbacca are forced to escape from the
Stormtroopers. What do they escape into, and where is it located?
9. What is Leia's home planet?
10. What does Han Solo do for a living?