Events from the Books
Okay, so after reading a few of the
Star Wars books, especially those set after Return of the Jedi, I realised
that there were a lot of things important to the Star Wars story line that
happen in the books. Some people don't exactly want to read around thirty
books, each three hundred page long, just so they can find out who
marries who, who dies, and who ultimately wins, etc., so I've decided to
include the most important things here. Anything that you think is important
and I've forgotten, e-mail it to me:
P.S: Yes, I know it's not
finished yet. I'm working on it, and I have to read a few of the books
again, 'cause I've forgotten a few of the things that happened. If anyone
could help me out with this, it'd be great. If not, you'll just have to
wait, and I'll get the rest up as soon as possible. For now, be satisfied
with what's there, alright?
This page contains spoilers from the books. If you want to read the books,
then I suggest you don't read this page.
Directly after
Return of the Jedi:
Luke, Han and Leia go with a Rebel Alliance diplomatic team to the planet
Bakura, an imperial outpost, and make peace with the people. Leia is visited
by the spirit of Anakin, and makes her peace with him.
3 years after ROTJ
(7 ABY):
Rogue Sqadron is reformed. Coruscant is taken from the hands of the empire.
4 years after ROTJ
(8 ABY):
Han and Leia finally get it together and get married. Luke finds some important
records from the old Jedi Order.
A new threat faces the New Republic - an alien Grand Admiral named Thrawn
- and the empire has started up an old cloning facility. Luke finds out
some more about the Force, and meets the ex-Emperor's Hand, Mara Jade.
The Solo twins are born - Jacen and Jaina. Thrawn is defeated and Luke
makes and ally of Mara.
Anakin Solo is born.
Luke re-establishes the Jedi order, and starts an Academy on Yavin 4. He
discovers an old threat in the form of the spirit of a long-dead Sith lord.
The Sith lord is defeated.
Luke falls in love with the spirit of a dead Jedi, Callista, and she is
brought back to life by going into some one else's body, but she can no
longer access the Force. Han and Leia discover the home of some dead Jedi,
and the tools that they used for their Jedi training. The Empire is building
a new and terrible machine something like the Death Star. Luke tries to
help Callista gain access to the Force again, but to no avail. When this
new and dealy space station is brought against the Academy at Yavin 4,
Callista risks her life to stop it, and leaves Luke so she can be by herself
when the space station is defeated.