Favourite Quartet |
This is the page where you can express your opinions about Tamora Pierce's books. What's your Favourite quartet? Why? What got you interested in Tamora's books? Which quartet did you read first? Send me an e-mail (leah87@start.com.au) and answer these four questions. Don't forget to include your name.
I think i'll start the page off, okay? Here goes-
My favourite quartet is Song of the Lioness. I'm not exactly sure why, but it might have something to do with the fact that the first Tamora Pierce book I read was Alanna the First Adventure. I loved Alanna and all of her friends, and I basically loved the storyline. I must say I really like Protector of the Small, but the Alanna books are still my favourite.
Well, let's see...my
favourite quartet... I'd have to say a tie between Song of the Lioness
and The Immortals. I LOVED those two quartets, omg, you have no idea how
much I loved them!! I liked the whole knights in shining armor thing for
the Alanna series and all the animals in the Daine series, they were great...
I just really can't put into words how much I love those book. Protector
of the Small is a good series, too, but I just like the other two better,
I guess it's because I read the Alanna series first and then I LOVE animals,
so naturally I'd like the Daine series. I don't see how anyone can not
like any Tamora Pierce quartets, but these two above all the rest. Ü
My favorite character
is... I really just can't decide. For the guys, I really liked George,
Numair, Neal, Jon, and Raoul, but I also liked Gary, too, man, I just can't
decide. Well, ya know how it is when you're just reading the books and
then Gary or Raoul just do something really funny, and then it makes you
really like them or something like that? Well... yeah. George and Numair
are soooooo cool, though! One's a thief and the other is the most powerful
mage in Tortall, who wouldn't like them? Neal's dry humor makes me laugh
so hard, he sometimes reminds me of myself, cause I have a dry humor like
him, at least most of the time... Jonathan was really nice except for in
Woman who Rides like a Man, then he was a jerk, but the rest of the time,
he's an awesome friend. Now, for the ladies... I just liked Alanna, Daine,
and Kel. (Ok, well at least it's less than the guys...) Alanna's fiery
temper just makes me laugh. Her sense of humor was always so funny, I had
to stop reading her books at school cause I'd just start laughing in the
middle of class... Daine is awesome cause she has a connection w/animals,
I like to think I do, too, but I know I don't.... I wish I did, but I don't,
sadly. Kel is very unique, sometimes she'll make me want to yell at her
to do something when she's trying to be all Yamani and trying to hide all
her feelings, but most of the time, she's like my temper, and I'm usually
like yes, thank you for beating him up!! Lol, ok well I didn't mean for
this to be so long, but I couldn't help it! I just love almost all of the
Tortall characters!! Ü
I agree with Leah that
SOTL is the best quartet. I think it is because I read it first, and, after
a while of thinking the books were magnificent, I read the Immortals. By
then I still thought SOTL was wonderful and I still liked the characters
in those books better than the Immortals characters. Either way, I thing
the Song of the Lioness Quartet is definitely the best!
Kara Leigh
I think Song of the
Lioness is soooooooooo the BEST quartet. Nothin else even gets NEAR it!!!!!
It is sooooooooooo GOOD!!!!!! I LOVE SONG OF THE LIONESS!!!!!!!!! ALANNA
RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO ALANNA!!!!!!!!!!!
(not sure who this
is from!)
My high school library
actually got in three of the four of the 'Immortals' series (all but 'Emperor
Mage'). I fell in
love, then noticed that there was a quartet that preceded it - the Alanna
series. TOTALLY became obsessed and cheered when the PoTS series began.
My fave? PoTS! (At least until the next books come out! :D)
My Favorite Quartet
is Protecter of the Small. I like this one best because I
connect well with
Keladry and also because I feel she had a much harder time
then Alanna at first.
Everyone thought Alanna was a boy she didn't have
probation or have
to work to make friends. Wild Magic was the first book I
read, then I read
the Song of the Lioness Quartet which I loved.