Favourite Character(s) |
Everybody has a favourite Tamora Pierce character- the character you like because of their personalty, or maybe they did something that made you thing 'Gee, this person's really nice'. Well you can put that here! Just write me an e-mail saying who your favourite character is and why- and don't forget to include name!
Looks like i'm gonna have to start this one off too, huh? Hmm... let me see...
My favourite Tamora Pierce characters are Alanna and Numair. Why? Well, lets see. Alanna- that's easy. I think Alanna is a lot peoples favourite character. The things she did in the books were amazing- something I think everybody wishes they could do. Alanna is an inspiring character- that's why she's my favourite. Numair is my second favourite character. I really liked hearing about him. I guess he's just a really exciting character- if a little stuck-up. Well there you have it, that's what I think.
My favourite character
is George! GEORGE ROCKS! he's so nice and kind and faithful (no, he's not
a cat) and loving and handsome and witty and funny and patient (u know
like, patience is a virtue. u have to work around my appalling spelling)
Anyway to cut it quick he's so adorable!!!! (P.S. I also LOVE LOVE LOVE
kitten! she's soooooooo adorable! plus she's a dragon! I LOVE DRAGONS!!!!!!!!!!
My favourite character is either Neal or Faithful. Don’t get me wrong, I love Alanna, Kel, and Diane but Neal makes me laugh and Faithful was so devoted to Alanna, and kept her out of trouble. Numair, Buri, Daja, Raoul, and Liam are all very cool to.
My favorite character
is Gary the Younger because he is so funny, like when Alanna tells him
she's a girl and he starts laughing, saying he can't wait to see their
faces. I also like that he plays a lot of jokes. I am funny ( or people
say so) and I love reading books with really funny people in them aka:
Kara Leigh
My favourite characters have got to be Briar, Rosethorn and Kel. I LOVE Briar cos he's nice, funny, tough and most sensitive although he only really shows it when he's with his plants or when he thinks about Flick. Rosethorn may be nasty but under that prickly surface she really loves Lark, Briar and the girls and she’s got a really wicked sense of humour and i was really upset when she nearly died. Kel is just great she doesn’t think she’s special but she is really noble and really kicks ass with all her Yamani training.
At first I fell
madly in love with Gary, being 10 when
I first read the series,
back in 1993 (you figure out
my age :D) Then I
decided I loved Raoul more. After he
played a HUGE part
in 'Squire' I became even more
obsessed. The creepy
thing is, my current BF is
exactly how I pictured
Raoul, and his middle name is
Raoul. Weird huh?
My favourite character
has got to be Alanna and Kel. Alanna because she is so strong both mentally
and physically. She's been through so much, yet through it all she keeps
her head up high. I admire her resiliance. Kel, well, who doesn't love
her? When she sets her mind to something, she does it. She's not afraid
to stand up for herself and stop the things she knows are wrong. Joren
and his mates saw that and were jealous of it. My god she's real! She isn't
a super hero like Alanna, but I am sure she will achieve great things in
her life and prove those conservatives wrong! I also love Raoul because
he is the best teacher anyone can have.
Let's see...my
favorite characters are George ::faints:: Briar ::faints
again:: and Rosethorn.
Rosethorn kicks butt, Briar is my age so I actually
have a chance once
I figure out how to zap myself into Emelan, and
George Cooper sums it up pretty well.
George Cooper and
Briar are two of my favorite characters - I have an
affinity for rogues.
However, I used to imagine that I was Daine because she
by far has the most
interesting magic in all the books - unlike the Gift,
which is highly specific,
her magic acts through her as a force of nature.
My favorite characters
are Kel, Briar, most of them really, but especially those two. Kel because
she had to put up with all of the teasing and stuff the boys did to her,
and she didn't have the hand of the goddess on her or magic, or anything:
she's pretty much a regular girl. Also because she knows all that yamani
stuff and she's brave. I like Briar because I guess I like the rogue guys
too, and he's sweet, and funny and tough and a little sensitive, even though
he tries not to let other people find out.
My fave characters
would have to be Daine, and Briar. I think that Daine has a strong personality
and I admire people like that. I also imagine Briar as a really nice guy,
who covers it all up with being tough.
My favorite character
is George Cooper. I absolutely love George. I love everything about him.
He IS the perfect guy 4 any1. he is brave, courageous, kind, sweet, gentle,
humorous, romantic and has a CROOKED SMILE!! *SIGH. I love him so
much since he has loved Alanna since the beginning. He never pressured
her, like Jon did, and he didn’t try to change her. He loved everything
about her. if there were any guys like George in the real world, none of
us girls would have broken hearts. I love rogues. George 4 eva my fave.
Email me at heyteddybear13@hotmail.com or alannacooper@juno.com
I can't decide
who my favorite female character is. It is a tie between Alanna and
Daine. But my fave male character is Numair. I like him because he
protects Daine and is very sweet. Even though he loves her he doesn't
say anything so he won't ruin their friendship. Go Numair!!!
Hey. My favorite
characters are George and Alanna. They are absolutely
the best. George is
such a sweety and you can tell, even in the first
book, that he really
loves and cares for Alanna. He's probably really
cute. And Alanna is
just awesome. She severely kicks butt and is not
afraid to say what
she thinks and I respect the character and I think she
just plain ROCKS THE
WORLD! If you want to email me, email me at