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I want to know what you think of my page! Send me an e-mail and tell me what you think. You can also include general comments about the Tamora Pierce books, and anything else to do with the Tamora Pierce universe. Get writing! I want this page FILLED! Remember to include name and age.
Just like Leah I was
searching under my name and saw your site, I immediately
went in. I loved it
from the beginning the moment that I realized that it was
about T.P. books,
I was hooked, I have gone to the site everyday for the
past two weeks. I
love all the things to read, and the info. where did you
get your info? Anyway
I think anyone who reads T.P books and does not know
about this web site
is missing out very
I was searching under
my name and came up with your site. Having been a
Tamora Pierce fan
since the sixth grade, I couldn't resist checking out your
site. I was impressed
- you have some excellent ideas. I like the idea of
fans posting on their
favorite subjects, novels and characters.
I suppose that about
sums it up (other than my insane desire to insist that
George is far more
suave than Jonathon) I really liked your site.